Complete Website SEO Tool

SEO is an absolute thing in order to have your blog or website we can have many visitors, I will give you some tools to complete your seo,

see list below:


* Alexa-Ranking - perangkingan results and peratingan Alexa.
* Alexa Web Rank Checker - Check the condition of Alexa Web Rank, Incoming Links, Reach Rank & Average Reviews website.


* Anchor Text Backlink Checker - Check backlinks and anchor text used in the backlinks.
* Backlink Analyzer - research and analyze the link quality websites. Also check indexed pages, links to websites, links EDU &. GOV, domain age and time-out (expired), Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Rank, listing in DMOZ.
* Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer - This tool helps in determining the backlinks of your website and link text used by the backlinks to your website linked.
* Backlink Builder - Build quality backlinks as one of the most important factors in Search Engine Optimization.

Tool for Domain Popularity, Domain Stats

* Domain Age Tool - This tool shows the average age of the website on the Internet and allows us to see how the website looked when first built.
* Domain Dossier - To investigate domain-guide and IP address.
* Domain Popularity - This tool will show all the backlinks to a given domain, including 10 sub-pages per backlinking domain, host IP danGoogle PageRank
* Domain Stats Tool - This tool helps in obtaining statistics from the domain competitors. Statistics are on offer including Taffic Alexa Rank, domain age, Yahoo WebRank, Dmoz listings, calculating backlinks and number of pages indexed in Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Msn etc..
* HTTP / HTTPS Header Check - This tool allow you to mengetahu headers HTTP headers provided by the web server when a URL request. Can be used for HTTP and HTTPS URLs.
* View HTTP Headers - This little tool allows you to view HTTP headers for each HTTP request.
* View HTTP Path - It can display the path / redirects a request.

Google Page Rank Checker, Adwords Keyword Tools, Google Banned Tools

* Advanced Google searches - Use this tool to search in google with a variety of ways. A source / resource is very useful for search engine optimization (especially keyword research).
* Check Google Pagerank - Used to check Google PageRank of all web page without the need to install the Google toolbar.
* Check PageRank by Google's data centers - With this tool you can check the PageRank from different data center
* Free Google Adsense Keywords & YPN Keywords Search Tool - With the ability to search the growing database with tens of thousands of high-priced keywords, Iotaweb allows publishers to find keywords and key phrases that allow them to focus on their content to make the site a more effective.
* Google Adwords Keyword Tool - keyword tool from Google that show the specific keyword and the like.
* Google Banned Tool - This tool uses two methods to check if a URL has been entered in the Google database. This is a great way to check whether the website has been banned by Google for some reason.
* Google Keyword Ranking Tool - Search for a list of keywords from Google's search site are different.
* Google Page Rank Checker - PageRank check directly from the website or web page.
* Google Page Rank Checker - a simple tool to check PageRank and can be displayed on the website.
* Google Sets - Automatically mencreate some items from a few examples.
* Google Synonyms - Enter a key word to get synonyms Google by using the "keywords".
* PageRank Authenticity Check - This tool shows the PageRank of a domain. In addition PageRank will be checked otentikasinya.
* Page Rank Tool - PageRank Tool will provide the Google PageRank values for submitted URL from various Google data centers.
* Poodle Predictor - See your site as seen by Google. Bersimulasi with search engines and predict your own Google listing.
* Visual PageRank Tool shows all links and corresponds to PageRanks

Keyword Analysis Tool, Keyword Density, Keyword Suggestion Tools

* McDar Keyword Analysis Tool - Enter a URL and keyword, this tool will display Pagerank and Back links pages of the Top 10 websites.
* Keyword Density - This tool shows how often the appearance of words in the content of a domain.
* Keyword Density - This is very useful tool for webmasters and SEOs to achieve optimum keyword density for a set of key terms.
* Keyword Density Checker - Keyword Density is the percentage accuracy of keyword other text in web pages. This tool will crawl to a specific URL, such as text input the requested search engine, remove common words, and key word density analysis.
* Keyword Difficulty Tool - Keyword difficulty tool is used to analyze the competition area of the term / specific search phrase, this tool displays the percentage score and provides a detailed analysis of the top sites ranking in Google and Yahoo.
* Keyword research service - Enter the keyword or phrase and get the top 10 Keyword Discovery listings.
* Map keywords to the entire Internet.
* Keyword Suggestion Tool - Keyword suggestion tool will help in choosing the right keywords for your website. You can see which keyword combinations are more popular and the idea for the combination of keywords.
* SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool - Keyword suggestion, a free tool for Overture and Google.
* Website Keyword Suggestions - This tool displays the theme of the website to try and give you the option keywords and keyword traffic estimates.
* Ontology Finder - Tool to find keywords that are related
* Overture Keyword Tool - This tool tool based on keyword searches from Overture and Wordtracker, providing the same data, including search figures from the previous month. This tool is also included statistics for average searches per hour, day, week, and estimates for the 12 months ahead, and figure how the search form for 3 years.

Link Popularity Check, Site Link Analyzer, Link Value

* Deep Link Ratio Tool - This tool is made to analyze how the effects of the link ratio rangkingnya site on search engines.
* Link Popularity Check - Link popularity check one of the best ways to measure independently online awareness and overall appearance of a website.
* Link Popularity Checker - Link Popularity Checker will tell how many websites that do link to your website.
* Link Validation Spider - To check broken links online and free.
* Link Price Calculator - This tool will help you determine the approximate amount to be paid per month for an ad of any website page.
* Link Value - This tool will calculate the value per month link from a website.
* Reciprocal Link Check - This tool will help ensure that the link partner you have to link back to your website. This tool also for mengetahu anchor text used by the link partner to link to your website.
* Site Link Analyzer - This tool analyzes web pages and provides a data table containing the outbound link anchor text and they are interrelated.
* The Link Reputation Measurement Tool - Shows the direction of a link to your target url along with: Link Survey - Link Reputation Score - Text used on the link to point to you - Alexa traffic analysis for the sites linked to it each backlink.

Meta Tag Generators

* Meta Tag Generator - Meta Tag Generator will read the page that has been specified, eliminating unnecessary words, and took the word most often used on web pages, and then will make the Meta Keywords tag using the words that have been found.
* Meta Tag Generator - Use this tool to create search engine friendly Head Tag for your website.
* Title & Meta Tags Generator - his code generator will make the title and meta tags your site to improve website ranking in search engines.

Miscellaneous Tools

* 156 Seo Tools - Contains a list of devices that are useful SEO.
* Directory Submission Manager - This free tool can be used to track your submissions to various web directorie.
* Copyscape - To find copies of your web pages on the web.
* Crazy Egg - Get a clear picture of where the visitor clicks and improve your site's search results.
* Site Analysis including Link Popularity - this tool provides a complete analysis of sites such as backlinks, indexed sites, Google PageRank and also if the domain you have terlisting in DMOZ directory danYahoo
* Sitemap Generator - To create a Google Sitemap Online
* Browser Screen Resolution Checker - The browser screen resolution checker will show how the display on the monitor website visitors by using a different screen resolution.
* Similar Page Checker - Search Engines finaltinya famous for the content of the website contains a copy of his / similar. Content you might be similar to other websites on the internet, or your web pages can be equal to each other. This tool can show the percentage of similarity of 2 pages.
* Speedtester - This tool will show the duration of a website. Value can be used to indicate how much time to load dibutukan website.
* Mod_rewrite RewriteRule Generator - mod_rewrite RewriteRule generator will take a dynamic url given, and made to be placed on the syntax. Htaccess file that allows rewrite url in the format that can be in the spider.
* URL Rewrite (mod_rewrite) - With this tool you can change the dynamic url to search engine friendly url
* URL Rewriting Tool - To create Search Engine Friendly URLs
* User Agent Cloaking Detector - this tool to stimulate the Googlebot (based on the User-Agent) to detect Cloaked content
* What is Hosted on that IP - To find the virtual hosts of an IP

Search Engine Position Checker, Spider Simulator, Ranking Report, SERP Tracker

* Dogpile - Search Comparison Tool
* Google vs Yahoo Graph - This tool will perform a search from Yahoo and Google, then will look for similarities, and displays them in graphical display of search results from these two search engines.
* Search Engine Position Checker - Search Engine Position Checker will automatically access to the designated search engine and check that the URL you have entered in the order of 50 for a particular keyword.
* Search Engine Simulator - Simulator allows web authors to see how the form will display their pages in the eyes of search engines. This simulator will ignore META tags are always heralded by search engines.
* Search Engine Spider Simulator - This tool helps us to see all the information received by the search engine spiders from a website.
* Marketleap Search Engine Verification Tool - This tool can help check whether a site was in the first three pages of search results for certain keywords.
* Number of pages indexed - Piranti ini akan mengumpulkan laporan yang menampiklan berapa banyak halaman dalam sebuah website yang telah terindex oleh search engine. Can be used in all the major search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN, AllTheWeb, Hotbot and AltaVista.
* SERPs Position - This tool can be found where a diposisi domain terangking for certain keywords and compared with the first 100 results by Google, search.MSN danYahoo.

SEO Analyzer, Scanner

* Free SEO Tools - SEOToolSet
* Cool SEO Tool! - This internet marketing tool can check the top 10 sites in Google terangking, then check the position of the 10 sites on Yahoo and MSN.
* SEO Analyzer - SEO Analyzer can be obtained free of charge, this tool uses an algorithm that can detect is search engine friendly if a web design.
* SEO Scanner - complete tool that can be used to analyze up to reportingnya SEO.
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