Writing Meta Description

If you've never heard the word SEO consultant that does not mean that meta description for search engines, it's time to consider again.

When they say that Google is completely ignoring the etiquette. It is not entirely correct.

If you understand how to write a title page means you already know how to write a description page. Description page is the first part we talked about the Page Meta Title articles.

Sometimes search engines that do not display in the yard, just a snippet of the content of the page.

For example, when you see in the picture below, when you are looking for public relations at Google.com you find existing in the first position, but not shown her meta tags.

This is because an intelligent search engine to recognize the contents of the page, so that raised only the most relevant terms for a specific search.

Google indexes only 156 characters, so no need to write a description is too long a very long, so not useful. Just as the title of the page is longer than 67 characters, it is a useless thing lho.

How should we write the right? Maybe this could be a reference: write naturally, was left with a gentle stream of text and writing we understood by the reader.

The most important, to summarize the contents of the page for the visitors, so they know exactly what they can when they hit a link that leads to our website.

Penempatan yang benar di dalam bagian &head& pada kode HTML, setelah judul halaman dan sebelumnya :

<- Meta name = "description" content = "156 characters by using the main keywords and search engines ensure that our web site worth a visit." />


* Create a specific keyword for each page. Which is different for each page of the web.

* Do not just use keywords alone. Use the main keywords naturally and form a sentence.
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